Content Manager

The content manager is the main toolset for working with content in the Pro client. You can access this manager from various points in the application.

  • Click here for an overview of the various ways to access the content manager in the pro client.

The content manager includes various views of the content system and a variety of tools for managing and manipulating content. It also includes an adjunct tool: the "Materialized Data Manager" - which is designed to manage a users databases and data models.

Content Manager Workspace

When the user enters the content manager space (yellow arrow), they are presented with the following elements.


Within the content manager, users can click on the various views (red boxes above) to find relevant content easily. The views include:

  • Favorites - this is a listing of all items that the user has flagged as their favorites.
  • Recent - this is a listing of the 20 recently opened or used.
  • Explorer - this is the master content view, offering a folder / item interface, that allows users to organize and manage their content.
  • Most Used - this is a listing of all items that are most used across the system by all users that the current user has access to.
  • User Recommended - this is a listing of all items that are most recommended on the system by all users that the current user has access to.
  • Auto Recommended - this is a listing of all items that the AI-driven suggestion engine has found that match the user's content "taste", based on all usage of content on the system.
  • Search: This is a specialized view (purple arrow above) that allows users to search through the CMS to find content items based on search criteria. The search results then form the basis of a content view with many of the same core capabilities of the other views.
  • Materialized Data Manager: This view (blue arrow above) is not a standard "content view" like the other views described above. Rather it is a set of end-user tools for viewing and managing data models that the current user has created. The MDM is a simplified version of the Data Source Manager found in the admin console.
  • Schedule Manager: This provides a view (green arrow) to inspect any user defined schedules for models, publications, alerts, and subscriptions.

Note: Pro users can select their default content view when they launch the manager from the user defaults page.

Top Navigation Bar

View Switches

For each view, the user has access to certain switches (yellow box above). This includes:

Display Mode
  • Detail List: The detail list shows a grid-like display of content items with various details.
  • Content List: This is similar to the detail list but includes a snapshot (or thumbnail) of the items.
  • Tile List: This shows all the content items as large tiles including a snapshot (or thumbnail) .

This button will show the lineage tree for the currently selected item in the listing. Click here for more details on lineage.

Add a Folder

This button is only available in the "Explorer" view, where folder structures are fully visible and manageable.

Content Type Filter

This button lets the user filter the types of items in a given view that will be shown in the list.

Show Deletes

This button is only available in the "Explorer" view, where soft-deleted items can be shown and managed.

Folder Navigation Bar and Breadcrumbs

The folder navigation bar and breadcrumbs tool (green box above) allows users to easily see where they are in the folder structure and navigate quickly to other parts of the tree as needed. This feature is only available in the "Explorer" view, where folder structures are fully visible and manageable.

Quick Search

The quick search (purple box above) provides an immediate search within the context of the current view using a "contains" mechanism. When using any view, it simply searches the items in the view. When in the Explorer view, however, the quick search operates on the currently selected folder and any sub folders as well.

Context Menu

Right clicking on the view canvas (so not on a content item), will open a context menu.

The context menu includes (orange box):

  • View: a quick way to change the display mode (list, context, tile)
  • Sort: a way to change to sort order of the content items in the view
  • Refresh: a quick way to refresh the listing of items in the view

In the "Explorer" mode, with folder structures, the context menu also allows users to (green box):

  • Add Folders: this is a quick way to add a new sub-folder to the currently selected (parent) folder
  • Paste: this allows the user to paste any previously copied content (through the same context menu) into the current folder. Click here for more details on paste options.
  • Import: this allows users to import external PIE files into the current folder. Click here for more on import / export.